Bringing Complex Policy Issues to Outside-the-Beltway Audiences

August recess is synonymous with outside-the-beltway strategies, placing media pieces in local outlets and hosting events with lawmakers and key constituencies. This is an important pillar of any public affairs strategy, but at Frontwood Strategies, we believe that connecting with likely voters and local media should be continuous. 

How Our PR Firm Advocated for Public Policy in Living Rooms Across the Country

We have worked on a broad spectrum of policy advocacy campaigns. 

Sustained pressure for policy change is an important aspect of addressing climate change. Most Americans understand that global warming needs to be addressed as an existential threat. Working with a leading Foundation, Frontwood Strategies developed a consumer-facing message that tied together the power of individual action and policy change. We worked with partners to launch two satellite media tours with experts, which took our message outside-the-Beltway and into key markets so that we could steadily build the dialogue on the issues that the Foundation cares about most. The nearly 50 media placements were replayed across social media and with key influencers so that they had a lasting impact. 

Our strategic communications look beyond traditional modes of public relations. We published clips of the satellite media tour on radio stations, podcasts, social media posts, television networks, YouTube channels, and written adaptations. Community engagement involves meeting people where they’re at, and whether that is online, watching television, reading the paper, or listening to the radio, we make sure they are involved in the conversation. 

How to Reach Members of Congress Outside of DC

Members of Congress watch their local news all the time, so this strategy is successful outside of the traditional Congressional district work periods, when local media is often saturated by DC advocacy organizations. Complex policy must be easily translated if it is going to become law. Building an approachable message track is essential for voters to authentically advocate for change, and for lawmakers to make the case for their position to constituents. 

Our public relations consultants understand that consumers need to be engaged in order to take action on a policy issue. We find intersectional topics to major policy issues in order to enlighten more people to an important cause.

Communication is Key (Especially in PR)

Sustained messages with audiences leave more of an impact than a one-time message that will eventually fizzle out. This is attained through great relations with local news stations across the country, which our consultants have maintained for decades. We had receptive reporters across the country who were willing to be part of this satellite media tour partly due to our relationships. Plus, the ability to pitch engaging, attractive, and well-designed media keeps newsrooms open to our content.

If your organization needs to reach important cohorts such as members of Congress and constituents outside of DC, contact us today. You can email us at

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